Monday, October 10, 2011

Foods To Help With Fibroids

!9# Foods To Help With Fibroids

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If, like many women, you have fibroids, you may be aware that what you eat can both positively and negatively affect your condition. Although fibroids are not thought to form due only to eating a poor diet, it is believed that it is a strong contributory factor and conversely, there are certain foods to help with fibroids when eaten as part of an overall plan.

In general, the principles of a fibroid diet is based around common sense. Even if you are not overweight, you should eat moderately sized portions even of healthy foods as the processing of large amounts of food can strain the liver and stop it working effectively, and a healthy liver is essential to help reduce the size and symptoms of fibroids.

High quality foods should form the basis of your diet. Eating organic produce is the way forward, as this is free from environmental pollutants and pesticides which can have estrogen mimicking qualities which can worsen the condition. You should avoid foods which contain additives and preservatives and concentrate on eating foods which are as close to their natural form as possible.

Foods to help with fibroids include most fresh fruits and vegetables, although if you are prone to yeast infections, it is best to limit your intake of sugary fruits, concentrating mainly on vegetables, particularly leafy green vegetables and those which can be sprouted, as these contain the highest levels of nutrients.

Grains, nuts beans and seeds are also beneficial for fibroid sufferers and if you enjoy meat, keep your consumption fairly low, stick to organic produce and it's best to have lighter meats, such as chicken and fish.

Other foods to help with fibroids are garlic, onions, olive and omega 3 oils.

Foods To Help With Fibroids

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